Betty Overly is a life-long Bourbon County native, born on January 20, 1939. Ms. Overly grew up on her family farm where she remembers attending Sunday school and going on weekend visits into Paris and Lexington to sell farm goods and shop. After…
Kay Collier McLaughlin reflects on her life and Paris history in the 1940’s and 50’s. Recalling her father’s career as a Paris High School Football coach and later at the University of Kentucky. Born and raised in Paris, Kay had deep connections to…
Nellie Jean Brown moved from Harrison County, Kentucky at an early age and grew up in Brentsville in the countryside of Bourbon County. Her father was a sharecropper through the 1940s and 50s and Nellie recalls life on the farm with her mother and…
Shane Witt, of the Historical Committee for the Ruddles Mills United Methodist Church, describes the 1820 founding of one of the oldest continuously attended churches in Bourbon County KY. The founding pastor, Josia Whittaker, was a Methodist circuit…
Kay Collier McLaughlin reflects on her life and Paris history in the 1940’s and 50’s. Recalling her father’s career as a Paris High School Football coach and later at the University of Kentucky. Born and raised in Paris, Kay had deep connections to…
Betty Overly is a life-long Bourbon County native, born on January 20, 1939. Ms. Overly grew up on her family farm where she remembers attending Sunday school and going on weekend visits into Paris and Lexington to sell farm goods and shop. After…
Shane Witt, of the Historical Committee for the Ruddles Mills United Methodist Church, describes the 1820 founding of one of the oldest continuously attended churches in Bourbon County KY. The founding pastor, Josia Whittaker, was a Methodist circuit…
Estill C Pennington, an internationally recognized art historian, discusses early history of Paris KY and Bourbon County KY. Born and raised in Bourbon County, Estill recalls his early education and upbringing within a large Bourbon County family. He…
Local author Randolph Runyon (Forever Belle, The Mentelles) and library staff member Cate Neilson present "Remnants of a French Past: Long Silent Stories of Millersburg, KY" at the Millersburg Branch of the Paris-Bourbon County Library.